Share Your Dream to Win in The Dumpster Diva Giveaway

On July 29, 2011, I’m giving away one of my recent projects—a shabby chic French country style table reborn in a luxurious shade of Swiss Coffee. The four matching chairs are embellished with cane-back details and recovered in beige linen.
Dumpster Diva Giveaway

Share your dream for your chance to win!  Read on for details!

Why a Dream Sharing Contest?

It took me years to get up the courage to share my own dream about writing and speaking to women, but I had an epiphany the other day: Sharing my dream has set my own faith in motion.

Don’t Hide Your Light under a Bushel

For years, I never told a soul about my dream. It sounded too lofty. I thought people would think I was crazy, so I hid my dream. Beside…dreams were for important people and I thought I was a nobody.

I can remember the first time I told someone that I was a writer. It was a total act of faith just to say those words out loud to another human being. It felt extremely awkward at first and I almost felt like a fraud, but the more I declared it, the more my faith increased!


dreams are like starsDreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Recently, God sent an angel to financially endorse my writing dream. It was nothing less than a divine set up, but it all started with sharing my dream.  Let me introduce you.      

Mo Anderson, Vice Chairman of the Board for Keller Williams Realty, has been a faithful friend and supporter of Revive, Inc., a non-profit organization where I serve as a board member. Last month, our board joined her for dinner and a tour of the home that she built recently.

During dinner Mo shared her inspiring success story in real estate and how, as a former public school music teacher turned business builder, she and her partner developed one of the most successful franchises in the country. The business model for Keller Williams is taught at Ivy League colleges and it’s founded on Biblical principles! Despite her outstanding achievements, however, I was mesmerized by one detail: Mo spoke about how she grew up very poor, but God put a dream in her heart at eight years old to build a home.

That’s so like God. He gives us dreams long before they are possible and he gives them to those who have to rely completely on Him for the resources to accomplish it. Today, Mo has a vision for her home to be used as a retreat center one day where wounded souls can come for inner healing. 

After dinner and a tour of her grounds, we gathered in her living room. It was getting late and I had to work the next day, but I wanted to tell her how much her story challenged me.

“Mo,” I began, “hearing your story about how God gave you a dream as a young child, long before it seemed remotely possible, has inspired me to believe for my own dream.”

I was honestly getting ready to excuse myself and thank her for the evening, but before I could open my mouth, she asked the fateful question, “What is your dream?”

Here’s what I told her.

My dream to write began over twenty years ago in the bottom of a pit—a pit of addiction.

If there were 12-step programs for my kind of addiction, I’d introduce myself by saying, “Hi, my name is Christy, and I’m a recovering love-junkie.” As long as I can remember I’ve been addicted to love. Like the woman at the well, I was a big time loser when it came to relationships.

It was shortly after I hit bottom. Or I guess it would be more appropriate to say the bottom hit me, since I was semi-caught in the act of adultery. I had barely begun my own journey of recovery. But for some reason, God spoke to me. Why he chose then, I’ll never know.

Our conversation started with a vision. I had never heard anyone talk about having a vision before, but I instinctively knew it was from God.

I saw myself standing on top of a mountain in a desert. A single-file line of women were making a journey toward me. The line of women spiraled around the mountain numerous times and off into the desert as far as the eye could see.

I couldn’t image what all the women were traveling to see and why I was on the top of the mountain. “Lord, what does this mean?” I asked.

“These are the women you will teach.”

Me? Are you kidding? I’m a complete mess. Plus, don’t you remember speech class in junior high? I was the one who needed CPR after delivering my monologue. ”

“Yes, I remember. That’s my specialty—transforming weaknesses. If you surrender your life to me, I will equip you. And you will help women come out of the wilderness and take the journey to the top of the mountain and into my presence.”

I didn’t want to speak to women. I just wanted to be whole. I could have never imagined how God could cultivate influence in an invalid. But apparently God saw something in me long before my healing manifested. He spoke to me years before I had the faith to believe it possible.

Now, some twenty-plus years later, after life-transforming adversities including the tragic death of my youngest son while his father was driving under the influence of several drugs, here I am…better—not bitter.

Determined, not in despair.

Full of hope, not hate.

And like the woman at the well, I’m running back to town to grab my sisters, desperate to reach a generation of young women who are learning relationship skills from Hollywood, TV and magazines.

Who me? I was the least likely to succeed.

Well, all I can say is, I’m living proof…Rejects are God’s favorite picks. 

Mo Anderson and Christy JohnsonA Surprise of a Lifetime

Little did I know that while I was sharing my vision to publish my book, Rehab for Love Junkies, The 7 Habits of Soul-healthy Women, the Lord told Mo to support my dream. When she handed me a $6,000 check, I was shocked! I don’t think there are words to describe how it felt to have someone invest in my vision. (Did I mention this was the first time I met her?)

I praised God all the way home that night. As I opened the garage door and got out of my car, I walked past a dining room table and chairs I had just repurposed. That’s when the Lord said, “Now it’s your turn to be a blessing.”

So, here goes— I can’t wait to see who is going to win.

Share your dream to win in the Dumpster Diva Giveaway.

One of you will win a newly repainted French country dining room set. There’s really only one main requirement for the winner…she’s gotta like ramshackle redos.

I met this tattered treasure at a garage sale recently and the owner was so desperate to get rid of it, he slashed the price in half and offered immediate delivery! Seriously? Furniture delivery at a garage sale.

I love transforming rejects because it’s such a picture of Christ’s redemption. When our lives were still a mess, Jesus saw purpose in us.

Who Can Enter?

Anyone can enter! Maybe you’d like to win yourself and do a little redecorating, or maybe you know someone who needs to win. Please help me spread the word. Besides the storms of life, Oklahoma has had a lot of literal storms. Many you know someone going through a difficult time or someone who has lost everything they have. Please encourage them to enter!

It’s easy to share the news with your friends. Simple copy and paste this link and email it or post it on your facebook wall.

Why You Should Share Your 

Do you have a dream that seems impossible? Well, I’ve got good news…with God all things are possible! In fact, one of the first steps to achieving our dreams is to share them with faithful ears. When we do that, something amazing happens: Our own faith is released as we proclaim God’s vision to others.

Here are the rules for my Dumpster Diva Giveaway Contest:

You don’t have to be a writer! I just want to hear your heart about your dream.

1. If you have a facebook page or a blog, write a note on your FB wall or your blog that tells others a little about the Dumpster Diva Giveaway Contest. Then in 600 words or less, share your dream and why you would like to win. (If your post on facebook is too long for your status, no worries…FB gives you the option to post it as a note instead.)

2. Include a link to my contest with your FB post or blog post using

3. If you post on facebook, tag me in the post using @christytarnackijohnson. 

4. If you did either of the above, be sure to also leave a comment under this post telling me you did.

5. If you do not have a blog or facebook page, leave a comment under this post in 600 words or less sharing your dream and why you’d like to win. Be sure to leave your email address for notification so I can contact you if you are the selected winner. Have your post up by Friday, July 22, 2011.

VERY IMPORTANT: The winner of this contest will be notified via email by Friday, July 29, 2011 and will have to pick up the merchandise in Oklahoma City by August 26, 2011. I’m sorry I will not be able to ship or transport the items. Please do not enter if you are too far away for a pick up.

I know only one of you can win, but I pray special blessings on all of your dreams!

A minimum of 25 entries must be completed in order for the prize to be distributed. If less than the minimum number of entries are completed for the contest, the contest administrator has the option of extending the deadline for entries or discontinuing the contest and distributing the award at will. This offer is non-transferable and can not be traded for cash. Table accessories in picture not included.

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11 Responses to Share Your Dream to Win in The Dumpster Diva Giveaway

  1. Kori Murphree at #
  2. darla muralt at #

    I am sooo excited Christy! First because your dream has re-kindled my own. One thing that pierced my heart the other day when we spoke was your desire to glorify the Lord through your gift of writing and sharing your dream. NOT TO EXALT YOURSELF! Even though I have heard others state this many times before for some reason when you shared it the Lord won’t let it go from my thoughts. He has reminded me that my own “dream” hasn’t died and IS totally established in my heart for His purpose period. I can hardly wait to continue the fullness of my heart in 600 words or less. Love you and like Joseph appreciate your tenacity to nurture your dream and the beautiful blooms and fragrance of your lilfe.

  3. Tina Stricklieng at #

    I sure do love it when Dad (Jesus) shows up and shows off! Congrats on your blessing! You are a blessing in many ways to many women!
    Love you,

  4. Judy Walker at #

    WOW Christy!!! Isn’t our Daddy God so good!! You are a blessing and you encourage me so much. Congratulations!!!! This is such a neat idea!!!! Sharing and giving is unexplainably refreshing!!!!
    My dream is to know God more intimately and be able to share His love with boldness and confidence. To be consistant in all I do. To love with His love, unconditionally without being critical or judgemental. To help others grow and know God more fully and understand that if God said it He meant it and will do it. We just need to obey Him and believe and receive His gifts. Not sure how He wants me to do this…..would like to study, speak, teach, write, encourage….He is beginning to reveal a little at a time.
    Not entering the contest….but needed to put my thoughts on paper….got to start somewhere!!!
    Love you,

  5. Christy at #

    Mom!! What a lovely dream…and you are already living it! Since retiring, you’ve been able to do all of that. You’ve had all of us girls over at your house for teaching, studying and mega doses of your encouragement!

    Your reply is exactly the kind of response I wanted from women about their dreams. I hope everyone reads yours, because I’m thinking maybe some women thought the rules sounded too hard. Keep it SHORT, SWEET and SIMPLE!

  6. Christy at #

    Marcie Thurman’s dream on Facebook!/note.php?note_id=1778612799667

    I honestly have to say that I saw the post on FB for the contest and that is why I started reading more of Christy’s writing and learning a lot more about someone I speak to in church every week. It made me realize how much we may “know someone” but not really KNOW them. I was shocked to read about her youngest son and his story. The way that she dealt with it and all the surrounding events, I can only imagine!! But, I have to say that God lead me to her blog for more reasons than an amazing garage sale remodel give away. I have been struggling with all sorts of readjustment issues since I lost a job. One I had for 10 years but lost just a little over a year ago. Ever since, I have felt off kilter…and have not been able to steady myself for long or refocus either. It has been a very frustrating time to say the least! I have always been a positive, look for the best type person. And God has been with us each step of the way, I know but some days I still can’t get my head right.

    In some ways losing my job started me on this journey of “what IS MY dream”? What is the purpose that God deposited in me? I have always questioned that but have always known that sitting behind a desk M-F, 8-5 was not my calling in life. I love people to much but life seemed to always put me in that exact location. I have always dreamed of being available to my children at home or at least a part time flexible job so that I could work around all their activities. But, between divorcing when my oldest son was 3 and being a single mom for over 5 years, to meeting the man of my dreams that I KNOW, God placed in our lives and working on the blending of our new family. We have always both had to work to make things work. So, I let that and probably several other dreams go by the way side years ago.

    The dream I had many years ago was a business called, ready for this, My Personal Assistant. The idea and desire came from being a stressed out single mom for so many years and not being able to get some errands done after the work day! Waiting for cable, picking up paperwork from someone or someplace. I began by thinking it could become a ministry to the single parent, or shut in person who probably couldn’t afford the assistance on their own. My dream was to work toward getting the business and then getting people to donate toward the ministry side of the dream. My personal assistant was an idea to pretty much allow an average person or any busy working person to have their own personal assistant. My best friend even opened me a bank account under the name as a gift, but my husband had just gone out on his own in business and with 3 young boys at the time….it never came to pass! I think of it often and wonder was it a step of faith we were supposed to take but fear got the best of us?? I may never know.

    The next dream is still in the mix but has taken a back burner a bit I believe partly because of my wobbling focus! Turns out I make a pretty mean salt scrub! After tons of research on what would help my youngest sons skin issues besides steroids, I came up with my own solution. Started making it just playing around, then after losing my job…the same best friend talked me into to a craft show selling it!! Crazy woman, right!? So, It’s About Time Salt Scrubs was born.

    It has gone pretty well, not big enough to keep me from the M-F desk job…unfortunately. There you have it! MY dreams, probably not in few enough words but its my story in the brief form! LOL!

    I am thankful to Christy for posting this giveaway, because without it I may not have found her Blog and SO Many of them spoke directly to my heart!!! I have a teenage son that is “on his way down to the top!”. Read her blogs and you’ll get that one! 🙂

    Thank you Christy for stepping out in faith to be the writer that God put in you! He does an amazing work thru you!

    Marcie Thurman

  7. Mary Piette at #

    I had a dream over and over and over about 20 years ago. At the time I didn’t understand it. I began journaling my dreams. This one particular one was so vivid to me. I felt and still do feel that it will come to pass in God’s timing.
    My husband and me run an orphanage somewhere overseas. I could see the front part of the building had classrooms with glass windows looking out to the hallway. I administrate this orphanage and my husband keeptsup the grounds, and maintenance. A lake is behind the building that acts not only as classrooms, but where we live. It is an open plan and not too large. The windows in the back look out over the lake.
    When I had this dream I had no idea who would be teaching. As the years went by and my daughters grew up one married a man who is very good with computers. As the dream came back to me I knew he was one of the teachers. I also taught several classes. They met on a mission trip.
    Out front is a dirt road. Across from the main building and down the street about 100 yards is another building. I feel that it is where the children stay.
    Upon discussing this with family, one daughter said that she had a dream about working at an orphanage somewhere overseas. She said she kept the children in a long building where she would cook and take care of them. She saw down the road another building where they would be taught. To us it appeared that it is the same place.
    UM! Lord, what are you doing? I believe in my heart of hearts that God has a dream and a plan for my life. Not only am I in His Awesome plan, but my family is also.
    All of my girls, and me and my husband have spent some time overseas in different countries doing mission work.
    Lord, when it is time for you to complete our dream I pray that not only I am ready, but all you have called to do this with me.

  8. Cindy Bourque at #

    I just received this dream from God within the last 2 weeks, so the timing of this is interesting to me. I was in church watching a video clip of some volunteer work that some of our people had done locally, and this is what I heard: Local Missions. You have to know that when I got married, we had a LONG discussion about missions because I assured him I am not called to missions, won’t be going to the mission field, and he would need to seek a different mate if he felt called to missions. God has a funny sense of humor! My 15 year old is currently out of the country on her 4th trip for 5 weeks! She loves and has a passion for the world! She is a mover and a shaker, she is going places in life…that is what we have spoken over her her entire life! Words are powerful! So why would I want my children to be movers and shakers and not be willing to do that myself? I wanted to just raise my kids quietly and mind my own business, being a blessing to the people I bump into, but not necessarily to really move this world. So I am minding my own business in church when this video comes on, and God speaks to me to start a local missions ministry. I have to say the excitement of the prospect of doing this awesome thing outweighed the fear of the unknown, the questions of how, why, and why me! God gave me quite a few details so there really weren’t as many unanswered questions as there was a sense of WHEN is this supposed to happen, Lord? The instructions he gave me was that teenagers and college age kids need a way to go on missions stateside. They would have to have the heart to go, so the kids that are to go on these trips would need to apply to go, with an essay application explaining their heart to go, and raise their money like any other mission trip. My thought: I can do that, Lord! Next instruction: I am to call churches that we are affiliated with and ask them what needs they have in their church, community, with their people, and BE THE HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS! I don’t mind calling churches-check two! Next instruction: our first day together as a missions team is to be a team building day with activities and obstacle courses that build team work. We have such a place here in the Tulsa area to do that-check three! Then we are to go to our destination and minister with our hands and feet, being the love of Jesus. Faith works by love! We are to show people the love of Jesus, not just teach it. God loves his children and takes care of them. We are to do whatever needs to be done, mow yards of elderly in the church, help the youth build their youth buildings, pass out water in a downtown area to the homeless, whatever God wants us to do for that community, in the name of Jesus! Instruction four, we are to spend the last day in the town we minister in, just having fun, bonding together! God is all about relationships! God even gave me what the team T-shirts are supposed to say, and when we start this ministry and you see these shirts worn by teens and college age kids all over the USA, you’ll know God gave my dream wings and we are soaring!

  9. Christy Johnson at #

    Well, girls…it was a super hard decision to pick only one of you, but I prayed that God would show me the right girl to give this table to. This was his table to begin with. I feel like I’m just the middle woman, passing it on to who He intended to have it in the first place.

    I want to thank all of you for sharing your dreams online. It’s a vulnerable place to be, especially when we don’t really knowing who is listening. It’s scary when we step out and begin sharing the deepest parts of our heart, so I applaud all of you brave souls. May God make all your dreams come true as you follow His lead.

    Ever since I read Marcie’s post, one thing stood out like a glaring neon light: The oddity of proximity. I sit right behind Marcie in church every week and just like she said—we know very little about each other. It’s funny how as adults we become such creatures of habit. I hated assigned seats as a kid. As an adult, I have the freedom to sit anywhere I want, but what do I do? Sit in almost the exact same place every week!

    Most of us have our own little cocoon. Whether it’s church, work or Starbucks, how often do we hibernate in our comfort zone? How often do the people we see frequently become so familiar that they blend into the background? We say “Hi”, exchange smiles and hugs, but for some reason, these casual exchanges do more to make us feel comfortable and keep us in complacency. I think it’s time that we begin to acknowledge those that God puts in our path frequently. We may have thought it merely coincidence, but may I suggest…the people you see over and over again—maybe, just maybe—they were strategically placed there by God.

    I’ve watched Marcie for the past couple of years, with her husband ushering every Sunday and Wednesday night, she faithfully worships, brings their children and now her grandchildren. I’m convinced the reason I sit behind her is more of a divine design than an accidental arrangement. So, Marcie, girl…come get your table!

  10. Marcie Thurman at #

    Thank you Christy!!! I’m so excited!! My son will be to, because he will get my old one!!
    You are SO right about the people we come in contact with on a regular basis! Because I have no doubt God has used you to help me find my way in the maze of emotions that come with our teens…wanna be, supposed to be..adults. LOL!
    But, if it weren’t for your dedication to your writting I wonder how God would have put us together! 🙂
    Thank you again!!!

  11. Tomeka Wilson at #

    Wow! I was reading your blog and I believe that it was ment for Me, I’m a single Mother of 3 who as a child had dreams, I’m a hair stylist I’ve had my license going on 3 yearn now I graduated from Beauty College twice and I hope to own my own Salon & Spa one day, it’s hard out here trying to make it in this career of mines, finding the right Salon to work in or a place where I can be happy and grow but reading your blog has helped Me, I trust God and I’m holding onto his word

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