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Living Soul exists to empower women to live soul-healthy lives by providing soul-health education through conferences, coaching and curriculum. 

Living Soul’s programs educate and empower:

  • Women recovering from divorce, emotional abuse and toxic relationships
  • Women recovering in drug and alcohol rehab facilities
  • Incarcerated women

helping women discover the beauty and power of who they are in Christ…

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Living Soul is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, operating as an Alliance Partner under the umbrella of the Women’s Non-Profit Alliance and accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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Why is soul-health so important?

soul health issues

Crystal said this after I spoke at her drug rehab center:

I have somehow managed to go from bad relationship to bad relationship. I went to treatment for the second time and when I got out I had “knowledge” about red flags and told myself I deserved better, yet I still ended up in another bad relationship. I still had baggage I was carrying around, but your words shed light on my situation. Crystal

Here’s what Magi said after attending a Love U group at her church:

I’ve had so many hang-ups about forgiveness and have carried a grudge of bitterness for 30 years, but after participating in a Love U discipleship group I was finally able to let it go. I thank God for putting me into His hands and for using this Bible study to free me! Magi

And Bobbi said this about her experience:

I have been a Christian for 32 years but I have not experienced the liberty that the revelation of this teaching brings. I have gone from death to life over the course of a week and am getting free from years of spiritual ungodly soul ties and bondage! Bobbi

Through Living Soul’s conferences, coaching and mentoring programs, we can help even more women like Crystal, Magi and Bobbi find freedom in Christ.

women only grow to the degreeThe Problem:

In our divorce saturated culture, so many women have grown up without a father in the home; they’ve never seen a Godly relationship modeled and they’re getting all their love advice from Hollywood. Some turn to drugs and alcohol. Some wind up in prison due to abusive pasts. But here’s the deal. Not everyone with issues winds up in a prison with bars. Some prisons have invisible bars. Single moms are raising children on their own, devastated with the financial and emotional burdens left behind in the wake of broken dreams and broken relationships.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are twenty and thirty-year marriages dissolving everywhere. Women are finding themselves single again at a time when they should be getting ready for retirement. How do they start over? Where’s the help for them?

Women have so many false beliefs about romance and relationships. Sadly, the divorce statistics in the church are not any lower than outside the church. Let’s do something to change that!

Young girls grow up dreaming of their happily-ever-after, but somehow life gets in the way. Instead, they take baggage from their childhood into adulthood because they don’t know how to get rid of it. With burdened souls, many numb the pain, trading their sorrows for addiction issues and toxic relationships.

Did you know that:

50% of marriages end in divorcecontemplating divorce500

1 in 3 girls are being raised without a father in the home   little girl 3

 1 in 5 women are on anti-depressants
antidepresant drugs
17-20% of women struggle with pornography addiction
woman porn

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
abuse 2
In recent years, the female prison population has grown twice as fast as the male population. Nearly 6 in 10 women in state prisons have experienced physical or sexual abuse in the past.
jail audience

More than 10% of adults over 12 years old abuse or become addicted to drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines at some point in their lives, but few get treatment. And here’s the kicker: Relationships are the #1 cause of relapse.drug addiction

Nearly 1 in 6 high school girls has seriously considered suicide, and 1 in 12 has attempted it. 1 in 5 females engage in self-harm to relieve emotional pain.
Many of these women may even attend church and know scripture, so here’s where I’ll make a shocking statement: It’s not the knowledge of truth that sets us free, it’s the application of truth that brings liberty.

In other words, women can’t just memorize scriptures, they have to know how to apply truth to their lives. They have to know how to nurture their soul. And that’s the whole foundation of Living Soul…equipping and empowering women to live soul-healthy lives. God wants women to prosper, not only in their spiritual lives, but in their body and their soul.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).

The word spirit is mentioned 456 times in the Bible. Soul is mentioned 458 times! Clearly God is interested in our soul health!

donate now heart 150Become a Living Soul supporter. Your gift could help Living Soul:

living soul programs sharp

  • Provide Love U curriculum for women in prison, drug rehab facilities and other recovery groups
  • Develop Soul Fit online coaching programs for women
  • Provide individual soul-health coaching for qualified women in financial need


Bartlesville jail 5


Christy’s story helped open my eyes and gave me hope that there is a way out.  Ashley

Christy’s message was exactly what I needed to hear today. Trinity

break out session

break out prayer

Others have said:

Cannot put into words how much I enjoyed this class.
This one hit home.
Empowering. Inspirational, and made me want to grow closer to God.
I finally know what I was doing wrong. Thank you so much!
Powerful. Christy really spoke to my soul.
She touched my spirit in such a way, it’s all over me now! I am forever changed!!!
I am changed and determined to become the better beautiful woman I can be.

personal coaching

Christy is anointed by God and sees things that others don’t. She helped me tap into things I needed to work on, digging up roots I didn’t know existed. In the past I fell for potential, but as a result of coaching with Christy, I will no longer settle for a counterfeit. I’m waiting on God’s best. Stefannie Powell

vanessaBecause of the verbal abuse I endured as a child, I became tangled in a life of sexual compromise. The shame was overwhelming, but through the principles I learned through Christy’s course, I walked down the isle with my purity restored. My first kiss with my husband was at the altar. Vanessa Alexander

I’ve done all kinds of counseling, but coaching with Christy was a game changer for me. Kary


Donate Online

give support

Won’t you consider a gift to Living Soul? Living Soul is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization operating as an Alliance Partner of the Women’s Non-Profit Alliance and accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Your financial gift is completely ap banner


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Donate Online or by check

Donate any amount online on the Women’s Non-Profit Alliance secure site by entering your credit card or checking account information.

If you prefer to mail a physical check, please mail checks to the address below. Address checks to Women’s Non-Profit Alliance and put Living Soul in the memo.


Women’s Non-Profit Alliance
Attention: Living Soul
2001 W. Plano Pkwy. Suite 3422
Plano, TX 75075

Your gift will help Living Soul reach this generation with a message of restoration and freedom!

$25 Your one-time gift of $25 could provide mentoring resources for 2 women
$25/Month Your gift of $25 per month could help defray printing costs and office expenses
$50 Your gift of $50 could provide leader’s resources for a prison ministry or drug rehab center

Larger donations are needed to begin the development of Living Soul’s Soul Fit outreach conferences and coaching programs.

Grace Sponsor: Become a Grace Level Sponsor by donating $200 or more
Flourish Sponsor: Become a Flourish Level Sponsor by donating $500 or more

Many thanks to our Flourish Level Sponsor:

Greg and Suzanne Grimaud

Many thanks to our Grace Level Sponsors:

Bea Jai Webb
Peggy Bass
Laura Spaeth
Carol Cutler
Jen Sonaggera
Becka Beets

Help women break the bondage of the past so they can fully embrace their future inheritance.

study group leader