Do you have scriptures you don’t like? I have one. I’ve previously written about my aversion to what I call my boomerang verse. No matter how many times I try to ignore it, it keeps coming back: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 37:10).

     This scripture has guilt inducing properties for two reasons. First, I’m a borderline hypo-maniac and it goes against my nature to be still. But the main reason I never bonded with this verse is because I had several misconceptions about what it means to be still. I used to think prayer was only a silent activity—a moment of quiet reflection. I conjured up images of humming monks or prostrate priests. To me, those were the spiritual standards I measured my prayer performance against. The truth is, often my mind wandered during prayer or worse yet, I fell asleep. How could I be an effective Christian and flunk prayer?

     To this day I still don’t do “still” very well, but it was a great awakening when I recognized the false beliefs I had about being still. In Psalm 46:10, being still is only half of the commandment contained in this scripture. The other half of the verse is to “know”. In other words, the instruction to “be still” and “know” are a couple. You can’t divide this scripture and only do the being still part.

     To know comes from the Hebrew word yada`, which means to perceive and see, to find out and discern, to discriminate and distinguish. It also means to know by experience. Here’s the bottom line: We can’t get to the “know” if we haven’t first been still. Bear with me for one more definition. I think you will find it enlightening. Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart (NKJV).”  In this verse, wait comes from the Hebrew word, qavah, which means to look for, to hope and expect.

     So here’s the deal. When you’re expecting a baby, you prepare for that baby. You purchase baby clothes, furniture, decorate the room and most importantly pick out a name. You know the baby is coming, so you don’t just sit around and wait for labor pains. While you are waiting, you are also preparing because you expect the baby to come. If all you’re doing is chilling and hanging out, when the birth comes you won’t be prepared.

     Joseph’s story in the book of Genesis illustrates this point well. Joseph had two dreams when he was 17 years old. Shortly after, his dreams seem shattered when his brothers plotted his disappearance.  But Joseph held onto his dream. Even in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances, he didn’t give up. His dream fueled his ability to endure extreme adversity, and while he waited, he allowed God to prepare him.

     In the middle of his funk, the Bible points out a very significant detail: The Lord was with Joseph. While taken captive as a slave, while he was falsely accused of rape, while he was in prison and forgotten, the Lord was with Joseph. You see, instead of hanging out and doing nothing, Joseph developed at attitude of expectation. In slavery, he was given leadership positions, and even in the bondage of prison he prospered.

     Here’s the key point I’m trying to make: Years later, when Joseph was given the opportunity to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, he had developed the leadership skills to implement the plan he recommended. It was so brilliant Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt. In one day, Joseph went from prison to the palace. Why? Because he was prepared!

     What if we arrive at the thing or place or season that we are waiting for, but we miss the opportunity to do what we were anticipating because we didn’t prepare while we were waiting? We wouldn’t be ready. Neither would have Joseph. If Joseph would have allowed himself to slack off, he never would have been put in charge when he was in prison. Instead, even in a place of bondage, he allowed God to use him and perfect his leadership skills. He allowed God to prepare him for the destiny he knew would one day come.

     Joseph was still and he knew. And so can you! Don’t give up on your dream. Allow God to use the hard places of your life to prepare you. Between every dream and destiny is a desert, but if you’re still and know he is God, He will use your desert to prepare you for your destiny.

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  1. Great news about your financial blessing toward your book. You are so deserviing of it. Actually, Christy, Psalm 37:10 is one of my favorite scriptures that I tend to remind myself of quite often. I don’t like to run ahead of God. Every time I do, I don’t like the results. I am asking the Holy Spirit to help me learn how to remain calm in my storms, and not let the storms get in me. Not only when Jesus says “Peace Be Still” is there a calm, But, there is a “Great” calm. This is the place I am reaching toward. Luv you girl and may everything you touch prosper!!!

  2. This insight helped me. Thanks!! It’s hard for me to be still too. But being ready, this just made sense.

  3. I always love the story of Joseph. What a great reminder Christy. Daily tasks can sometimes become such a drudgery for me. Thank you for using my favorite story to remind me yet again how important preparation is and essential to our finishing a race.
    You already know how thrilled I am for your financial blessing…it is just one more wonderful chapter in your story, always inspiring me. Love you!

  4. Great article Christy, and a wonderful reminder for us in hearing the voice of God and knowing what wonderful plans He has for us. I have always loved this verse because it is so true that until we go to our “quiet place” and purposely seek God, we’ll miss out on alot of what he’s trying to tell us. The times that I have done this are amazing! He speaks things to me I hadn’t anticipated, and I come away not only feeling closer to Him, but also renewed in my faith to accomplish what I need to, and also an overwhelming sense of how very much God loves me. It’s sort of indescribable! I like what you wrote about using the difficult times to prepare. It’s so much easier to feel sorry for ourselves when things aren’t going our way, rather than to look at it as a pruning time, so needed for the very thing God is calling us to do. I’m so happy for you, and how God is opening doors for you in your writing, and providing for your needs. God bless you as you continue to encourage women in your writing and speaking!

  5. Psalm 37:10 is one I focus on often. Praising God! In this time is where I was led to you. I am one of those many women who is standing in line, in the desert, there for you to teach and encourage. I’m thankful for your blessing of your faith, your dreams, and how God has prepared you and is allowing you to share His love and promises with all. God Bless you always!!!!

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