Why I Love Libraries

When I was young my mother took my little brother and I to the library every two weeks. I loved the distinctive smell of paper married with ink. Fascinated by the endless collection of shelves packed with dreams and dictionaries, histories and fantasies, I wondered how thoughts made the journey from someone’s mind to the white glossy pages I adored.

When my own kids were little, we also made bi-weekly treks to the library. They hadn’t yet discovered I was a word nerd.

Brittany, Garrett and Jake were too young to be embarrassed by the white plastic laundry basket I took with us. We’d fill the Rubbermaid tub to the brim with 30 storybooks. I would’ve checked out more, but that was the limit for one library card and also the limit of what my arms could carry. Every night, our bedtime included a ritual of climbing into bed for story time.

Today I have another reason I love libraries. It has to do with my new friend, Lillian Washington.

One day, after hearing me speak at a single mom’s conference, Lillian (above on my right) checked out a copy of Love Junkies from the library. I was stoked! The library (at least the Oklahoma Metropolitan Library) carries Love Junkies!  Little did I know as a young girl and later as a young mother that one day my own story would be on the shelf.

Lillian loved Love Junkies. She kept telling her small group leader at Putnam City Baptist Church, Kristi Dunkle (above on my left), about how much she was learning. When Lillian checked out the book again to reread it, Kristi said, “Lillian, I think you should lead a group!”

Great idea, Kristi!

Last month the church ordered the books and the teaching series off my website. Since they were local, I asked if I could meet the two for coffee and deliver the resources in person. And they said yes. I love it when I can meet my girls face to face!

If you’d like more information about possibly leading a Love Junkies group, you can find out all the details here.

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