shine like stars in the universe
Shine like stars in the universe

In a world consumed with tabloids and fame, social media has enlarged our capacity for comparison. As Christian women, how can we deal with the constant pressure to measure up? How can we be relevant to our culture and still be the light God created us to be?

Tabloids tout the shining stars of Hollywood, but is it wrong to be a star? Is fame a faulty foundation? Is it off track to be an icon and set the standard?

Let’s look at what the scriptures say. Philippians 2:15 says that we are to be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which we shine like stars in the universe. We are supposed to be the stars! And we’re supposed to be famous. In fact, Hebrews devotes an entire chapter to those who were famous. The purpose of fame, however, has nothing to do with us. It’s so the world can see Jesus! Our fame is only for His glory.  We were created to be a trophy of his grace and a display of His splendor (Is 61:4) in order to spread His Fame and to be a light to the world.

So let’s be the famous stars setting the standards for the world. Let’s take our place as the icons of cultural identity. I’m challenging all of us to take our role seriously, to be set apart and become the standard for this world (Romans 12:2).

If we would remove the idol of HollyWood, Holy Would we see.

If we would stop identifying with the culture of HollyWood, Holy Would we be.

Let’s be the light God created us to be!

Is Faith Fact or Fiction?

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