Have you ever felt like your romantic relationships had a lot in common with the baggage claim at the airport–a constant rotation of luggage loaded down with dirty laundry?  As soon as one bag gets off, another appears. All seem to look good on the outside, but inside they’re loaded down with stinky issues.

I used to have a matching set! And just like the never-ending spiral of bags at the baggage claim, some of the unclaimed bags kept reappearing, just begging me to take them home.

I used to wonder why I was so unlucky at love. It took a long time for me to realize that the problem was not the baggage I chose…it was me! My own issues made me a magnet for losers.

How can you avoid unnecessary heart ache? How can you tell what is on the inside of the people you date?

After many heartaches and epic failures I learned that the best way to avoid relationship disasters is to take a look at my own soul-health. Why is it so important to look at ourselves? It’s simple: We attract who we are.

Experts say that we gravitate towards friends and relationships within a ten point spread of our IQ. We are more naturally comfortable around those with whom we can intellectually relate. Likewise, in the realm of soul-health, we also attract those with whom we are most emotionally compatible.

Putting it another way, baggage attracts baggage. Ouch! So if you’re tired of hanging out at the baggage claim, it’s time to take a look at your own soul-health. No matter how healthy you are, there’s always room for improvement. And finally, if you are looking for a life partner, it’s imperative that you assess your soul health. The health of your marriage will never exceed the health of the least healthy partner. That’s why it’s so important to become who you want!

The following quiz is designed to help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses in your soul. We do heart checks to evaluate the health of our heart. We conduct credit checks to see how we can improve our credit score. We go to the doctor for physicals to get a better grip on how healthy we are physically. It’s time we find a way to seriously evaluate the condition of our soul. Unhealthy people attract unhealthy friends and relationships, but healthy people attract healthy friends and mates.

As you take this test, remember, this is only for your own evaluation. Don’t get down on yourself if your scores are less than you think they should be. This is a snapshot of where you are now. God can’t heal what we don’t reveal, but growth and healing comes when we identify our weaknesses and create a plan of improvement.

If you are interested in learning more, attend our next session of The 7 Must Haves of Soul-healthy Singles beginning in January 2011 at Victory Church in Oklahoma City. If you’d like to see your singles ministry offer a conference, John and Christy would be happy to talk to you or your singles pastor. Contact us at christy@christyjohnson.org.

Course Overview

Whether you are happily single or praying for a mate, it is vital to eliminate toxic behaviors that threaten your peace and steal your joy. In The 7 Must Haves of Soul-healthy Singles, you’ll take a soul assessment to measure the health of your soul, set goals to eliminate excess baggage and learn strategic behaviors to improve your soul-health. Based on the acronym, “IF-I-PRAY,” these seven must have habits are:  

Identity The habit of seeking our identity through the reflection of Christ and not the opinions of man.
Forgiveness The habit of ridding the soul of toxic waste by choosing to walk in forgiveness
Imagination The habit of maintaining a healthy thought life and ridding our minds of vain imaginations
Prayer The habit of conversing with God to seek direction and wisdom
Resolve The habit of adding divine revelation to our human strength
Accountability     The habit of protecting our will by providing adequate damage protection
Yes The habit of surrendering our will and allowing God to lead and guide our lives

What other singles are saying about The 7 Must Haves of Soul-healthy Singles:

An Absolutely Beneficial Class!!!  Christy and John make this class worth taking.  Definitely look forward to taking it again in February!!!  Amanda

This class brought a ton of questions to my mind that I would have never thought of – if I was just going about a normal day or my church routine. The class had a fresh feel and not the typical stuffiness that can sometimes be associated with religion. John and Christy are a definite: MUST ATTEND and LISTEN to couple! Tom

This class provided me with the tools to overcome hang-ups and set-backs that have been a constant struggle.  I still have to execute them myself, but I now have a path to follow that I know is God-breathed. Ashley

This class was very helpful and informative.  I really enjoyed it and felt that all the subjects were relevant.  This class teaches you how to be a healthy single person spiritually and prepares you to be the best individual you can be while you’re single as well as for future relationships you might have.  Crystal

Check your soul-health. Take the quiz. 

Is Your Christmas too Extravagant?

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  1. God has blessed me with my soul mate for the last 38 years, so, for that I am truly glad. However, My thoughts and prayers are with our 3 daughters, and so many other young ladies who would like to find their soul mates. I believe they are out there, and I am praying that our 3 daughters continue to first seek the Lord, his will and way, & I believe everything else they need will come. They must be true to God first, and then, to themselves. We are what we think we are, and we do according to what we think we are.

    Love Marta

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