Welcome to the Free Looks Good on You Launch Team application! 

Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming response, the team is already full. But the good news is that the Kindle version of Free Looks Good on You: Healing the Soul Wounds of Toxic Love is available for pre-order on Amazon.

What exactly is this team?
So glad you asked! A launch team is a group of readers who are ready and willing (and eager!) to get the word out on the street about my next book, Free Looks Good on You: Healing the Soul Wounds of Toxic Love. When I think of my launch team, I think of my first readers, my inside circle, my front lines, my most enthusiastic fans!

What am I looking for in launch team members?
Readers who have been inspired by my speaking and writing ministry and are excited about my next book, and want to share that excitement with their sphere of influence. Enthusiasm trumps all.

What’s involved in such an endeavor?
As a launch team member, you will receive a free, advanced copy of Free Looks Good on You: Healing the Soul Wounds of Toxic Love. Members are asked to read the book prior to release, then–if they like it (if you don’t like it, you aren’t required to do anything)–spread the word, as far and wide as possible! (The advanced copies will be sent in an eBook format. You’ll have approximately 6 weeks to read before the official release date, June 23, 2020.)

What is the single most important thing launch team members do?

Write a brief review for Amazon, Goodreads, and any other online review site where you’d like to post it. It only needs to be a short paragraph or two!

Beyond that, anything else you do is icing on the cake!  Below I’ve listed some ideas, but none of these are mandatory. Whatever you feel comfortable with. The biggest help is the review!

If this sounds like a team you’d like to be part of, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. I’d be thrilled to have your support!

Here are some other ways launch team members can help:

  • Talk about the books on social media sites. I’ll even give you a variety of graphics and text blurbs to share!
  • Direct women to the link on Amazon to purchase.
  • Direct women to my website.
  • Purchase copies to give away as Christmas and birthday gifts.
  • Pin the cover or other pictures from the launch team resource page on my website to Pinterest.
  • Share your favorite quotes from the book online. If you purchase an e-book, highlight your favorite quotes.
  • Suggest the book on reading forums, like those you can find on GoodReads.
  • Ask your your local library or church library to purchase a copy.
  • If you’re part of a Bible study, MOPS, or any other group, tell them about the book.
  • Suggest my latest book to your book club.
  • Write a review for your local newspaper.

Members will receive periodic emails from me to keep up-to-date on the latest happenings.