willpower 2A lot of you may not know, but….last year I started a non-profit.

I didn’t wanna do it.

It wasn’t my idea.

But God set me up.

Have you ever been set up by God? You’re minding your own business, living life, not having a clue that God is sneaking something into your veins…You don’t notice at first because it’s so subtle, but little by little—He lays the groundwork knowing that someday He’s going to pop the question.


That happened to me last January. I felt the tug. Felt the whisper: Start a non-profit.

What? Me? Push a rock twice my size up an 75 degree incline. No thanks. No way!

God, you’re asking way too much of me!” I insisted. “I served on a board for four years. I know all the blood, sweat and chocolate that Cynthia Huffmyer poured into Revive Ministries. And after that I worked for a non-profit. Remember that? I saw Masie Bross and Bea Jai Webb toil over Whiz Kids.

Me? Nope!

Not lis-uh-ning!

God let me rant. But He didn’t give in.

A couple of months later I’m at the Billy Graham crusade prayer breakfast. Wendy Jordan, the social media specialist for Arise Ministries, a non-profit that serves single moms, was doing the introduction for Will Franklin. Perfectly poised, she radiated in her red dress, waltzing around the room greeting guests.

How does she do it? Single mom, raising her children, working for a non-profit and now helping the crusade campaign. Behind that facade of perfection must be one worn-out lady.

A few minutes later she buzzed in front of me. “Hey, Christy, how are you?” Wendy said, flashing her signature smile.

“Oh, Wendy.” I said, searching her face for sympathy. If anyone would understand my turmoil, Wendy would. She toiled. She sweated.

I blew out a giant sigh of frustration. “I think God is calling me to start a non-profit.”

“Really?” she said reading my frown. “And that’s a bad thing?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed, wondering why my ally and advocate was interrogating me. “I have an aversion to mountains of paperwork and applications. I want to minister and make a difference, not be buried in forms.”

Wendy didn’t flinch. She shared no sorrow. Offered no condolences.  Instead she chirped like a red robin at the first sign of spring, “Have you ever heard of the Woman’s Non-Profit Alliance?”

“I think so,” I muttered. “Are you talking about the women’s leadership program in Dallas?”

Wendy winked and gave a quick nod at another guest. “Yes, I am. You should check ’em out. They serve as an umbrella for several non-profits. If they approve your application to become an alliance partner, they handle the all the dirty stuff for you. They do all your accounting, taxes and legal work so you can focus on ministry.”

And with that, Wendy gave me another hug, turned on her heel and was off to greet the rest of the room.

It sounded too good to be true, but God set me up.

One month later, my application was approved and Living Soul became a reality.

It’s hard to believe that was one year ago. I wish my ministry came full grown, fully funded and fully staffed. But even in ministry, spiritual principles are hard to manipulate. Everything grows the same way—from the ground up. First the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

small beginnings 2

I’ve learned a couple of things on this journey like patience and teamwork. I’ve also learned that I can do all things when Christ strengthens me. Starting a non-profit may have looked like an uphill climb with a two-ton rock, but when it’s God’s idea, He carries the load.

In my next post, I’ll tell you about our first “mission” trip to Hilltop Recovery Center in Kaufman, Texas. You’ll get to meet the incredible ladies we ministered to there and hear what God is doing!

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