Leaders Guide  

Download and print out the Leaders Kit first. Familiarize yourself with it first because the Leaders Kit gives instructions on how to assemble the rest of the handouts in a 3 ring binder so you can stay organized.

leaders guide coverDownload Leaders Kit

Leaders Session Guides and Participant Handouts have also been created for each session. Click each link to print out the pdf file for each session.

Leaders Tip: The easiest way to organize your downloads is to print them all out and put them in a 3-ring binder with 3 tabs. Label the first tab “Leaders Kit”. Label the second tab “Leaders Session Guides” and label the third tab “Participant Handouts.”

Leaders Session Guides  

Session 1: Introductory Session
Session 2: Getting Rid of the Baggage
Session 3: Identity Step
Session 4: Forgiveness Step
Session 5: Imagination Step
Session 6: Prayer Step
Session 7: Resolve Step
Session 8: Accountability Step
Session 9: Yes Step
Session 10: Celebrating Love U

Participant Handouts                                                                                         can I get your feedback 2                                                                       

Reading Assignment Schedule
Session 1: Life Styles of the Broken Hearted
Session 2: Participant Handout Getting Rid of the Baggage
Session 3: Participant Handout Identity Step
Session 4: Participant Handout Forgiveness Step
Session 5: Participant Handout Imagination Step
Session 6: Participant Handout Prayer Step
Session 7: Participant Handout Resolve Step
Session 8: Participant Handout Accountability Step
Session 9: Participant Handout Yes Step

love u DVD image round transparentVideo Download Links

Below are the links to view the videos on Vimeo.
Individual sessions:
Session 1: Introduction Part 1  https://vimeo.com/152810860
Session 2: Introduction Part 2   https://vimeo.com/152816128
Session 3: The Identity Step   https://vimeo.com/152836099
Session 4: The Forgiveness Step  https://vimeo.com/153379283
Session 5: The Imagination Step  https://vimeo.com/153391836
Session 6: The Prayer Step  https://vimeo.com/153395582
Session 7: The Resolve Step  https://vimeo.com/153607895
Session 8: The Accountability Step  https://vimeo.com/154637906
Session 9: The Yes Step  https://vimeo.com/154644942