Formally the leaders kit was $49.99, but now for the first time ever, the Love U for Love Junkies leaders kit is FREE. Why am I doing this? Because God gave me instructions this year to "pour out." So that's exactly what I'm doing. The kit comes with all the tools you need to lead an effective small group of Love U for Love Junkies. The teaching is dynamic and engaging. You'll get 9 video sessions that each contain approximately 20 minutes of teaching not included in Love Junkies.
If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a thousand times. The nod. The nod I see when women hear the title of my book: Love Junkies, 7 Steps for Breaking the Toxic Relationship Cycle. I bet you’re doing it now, too. Nodding your head. Everyone can relate to the pain and chaos that toxic relationships can bring.
So if you have a passion for women and a heart to lead, Love U for Love Junkies contains all the tools you need to lead an effective small group! Whether the women you lead are currently in a toxic relationship or just want to break the cycle for good and focus on getting soul healthy, all women can benefit from the principles in Love U for Love Junkies.
Christy tells it like it is. Bold and transparent, her teaching is dynamic and relevant. She understands the issues women face because she’s been there. But like the woman at the well, Christy had an encounter with Christ that liberated her and set her free. So can your women!
Each kit contains:
- 9 video sessions. Each session is approximately 20 minutes long and contains material and teaching not included in Love Junkies. The video collection is available on DVD or flash drive. Online access is also available.
You’ll also get:
- Leaders Guide, a detailed guide that covers everything you’ll need to know to effectively lead your group.
- Leaders Session Guides
- Participant Handouts for each session.
Start a Group Anywhere
Love U for Love Junkies is a 10-week session designed to be facilitated in a small group environment. Whether it’s at your church, your home, your break room at work or a coffee shop, women learn and heal best in a small group environment with a caring compassionate facilitator.
What Readers are Saying:
I’m halfway through your book and it’s like you wrote the book and told my story! Ann
To finally find someone who understands “love addiction” and toxic relationships was a blessing!! Christy shares her story with honesty and compassion for women stuck in this vicious cycle. I am reading it for the second time and have bought if for several friends. I highly recommend this book!!!! Jen
This is not just a message for women stuck in toxic relationships. Love Junkies has valuable wisdom for all women. Mothers will gain insight so that they will be able to relate to their daughters better and to help better prepare them for healthy relationships. Women in healthy relationships will gain insight that will help them understand the issues that their sisters and friends may be dealing with. Ingrid
Christy’s personal experiences concerning loss, her practical insight concerning life, and her biblical wisdom concerning Christ, bring together the perfect combo in breaking free from destructive behaviors that keep you in the gerbil cage of going nowhere fast! It’s a must read for women looking for love….in all the “right” places. Pam
With truth and transparency, Christy Johnson has written a book about relationships. She doesn’t candy coat the issues women deal with today in her new book Love Junkies. Love Junkies brings problems like infidelity, addictions, and insecurities into the light, shows readers they are not alone and they don’t need to hide in shame. The book also provides doable solutions to bring hope and healing. Cheri
As a radio host I review several hundred books per year. “Love Junkies” drew me in even though it is written for women. I read this cover to cover with a ruler and pencil, underlining important points throughout the book. I found it very helpful as a guy to see things from a woman’s perspective and learned a lot, not only about women, but about myself. This is a great book for anyone wanting to look inside and improve their relationships. Written from a Godly perspective, the truths of Scripture are woven throughout the book. I highly recommend this as worth your time and attention in this busy world … this is one book that can greatly transform your relationships and your entire life! GH
Love Junkies is a true depiction of the way we women feel and think, when we are addicted to relationships.  Christy openly shares her own story and touches the hearts and souls of those of us who have been down the same road. As I read, I cried, I shook my head ‘YES’ and mumbled “um hmm”! I highly recommend Love Junkies, in fact, I’m reading it for a second time to solidify what I learned and receive any principle teachings I may have missed the first time. 5 Stars! Tammy
I devoured this book when I read it! I’m facilitating Christy’s come along side Love Junkies bible study for women at my church this fall. I cannot say enough great things about this book and the Divinely attained wisdom Christy shares. A must-read for all women, especially teens! CaraÂ
Flexible Study Options Love U for Love Junkies offers flexible study options. It’s up to you! You tailor the sessions to meet the needs of your group and your schedule. Only have an hour? No problem. Want a longer study? No problem. You decide. After watching the video, each Session Guide gives you your choice of group exercises so that you can tailor your group discussion to fit the personality of your group. The goal is to get your ladies involved in an intentionally focused, scripture-based discussion. As they reveal their hurts, the Lord can heal their hurts.
Special thanks to Christian music artist, Raquel Roqué Herring for creating the music intro! Roque is best known as the first black female Mousketeer to be cast as a series regular on Disney Channels sketch variety TV show the Mickey Mouse Club. Roqué was the first teen to reign as champion for ten consecutive weeks on Ed McMahon’s Star search and won both championship titles of Best teen Vocalist and Best Teen Performer.