Are you ready to leave the past behind and discover emotional freedom in relationships?
In 2017 I announced Soul Fit Academy's very first online coaching group for women, LET GO & THRIVE! The course filled up quickly and became so popular that I've now begun to offer it four times a year.
But sometimes women want the option to study alone or to form a group at their church. I've heard you!
Now you can have access to the
Let Go & Thrive
workbook and curriculum!
Get the flexibility to study at your own pace with access to the course dashboard that includes all of the curriculum for the 8 week course!*
*No Zoom meetings to attend, just the convenience to learn and grow at your own pace:)
Through LET GO & THRIVE you'll be empowered to...
Forgive him for that, even if you can't forget it.
Perfect the art of saying "no" and mean it.
Skyrocket your confidence & learn how to love YOU.
Here's what LET GO & THRIVE digs into:

Get instant access to your curriculum now!

One of my greatest joys in my life is coaching women! As a relationship expert and soul-health coach, I love seeing women overcome the hurdles that keep them stuck in a spiral of disappointment. I love seeing them exchange shame for self-confidence, frustration for joy, and bitterness for emotional balance. Most of all I love seeing women prosper in their soul!
The hope I have for you is insane! Why? Because I used to be a complete wreck. But when Jesus turned this love addicted soul around who used men like a drug, He flooded me a passion to help set the captives free!

That's why over the last 15+ years I've worked with women to help them maximize their soul health and enjoy better relationships.
I listened to TD Jake's daughter tell her testimony recently about her pregnancy at 13. She said that growing up in church everybody talked about where they are now, but nobody talked about how they got there. I can so relate. When pornography and addiction reared its ugly head in my marriage, I knew I was supposed to forgive, but I had no idea how. I had never heard anyone talk about the how.
How do you forgive? How do you forgive a husband, fiance, or boyfriend who cheats? How do you forgive when the child support is late? When your family plays second fiddle to hobbies or work? When deceit, manipulation and abuse damage all remaining trust?
Knowing Jesus doesn't make us immune to problems. We have the truth, but we also need tools and training to leave the past behind.
LET GO & THRIVE is designed just for that. I'd love to help you get past the hurts men have caused and find the confidence you desire. Whether you've struggled with insecurities, toxic thoughts, manipulation or abuse, whether you're single, married, or divorced, it doesn't matter.
I've helped women in all stages of life and in all areas of relationships. As you may know, I've spoken at women’s conferences, coached women individually and written on relationship topics for years to help women find personal freedom with themselves and in romantic relationships.
It’s been my dream to combine all this relationship and soul health wisdom into a comprehensive course any woman can take to help them go from surviving to thriving.
So...if you’re ready to leave the past behind and discover emotional freedom in relationships, read on...because this course is for YOU!

It's crazy that God would use a former love junkie to teach women how to have healthy relationships.
Someone like me that thought romance happened over a drink with a cute little umbrella...just like it did on the Love Boat.
Ok. I better stop. I'm kind of giving away my age:)
I didn't know any better. TV shows and music taught me about romance, dating and marriage. So I kept lookin' for love in all the wrong places. I spent every weekend at my favorite honky-tonk. The winks and Wranglers kept me high long enough to last until the next weekend when I was back at the bar, waiting for another whiskey and waltz around the dance floor. It was a like an adult version of a merry-go-round. I was on an endless loop.
My unworthiness and addiction to love caused continual compromise because I had no clue how to guard my heart. I was desperate to give it away. And that was the problem.
It took many years of sorrow to learn what I now know: the best way to guard your heart is to quit giving it to men.
Men can break your heart, but God never will.

How Does it Work?
Your course dashboard:
As soon as you enroll in LET GO & THRIVE, you'll have access to the course dashboard—including 8 weeks of curriculum. On the dashboard, you'll be able to download your course materials including weekly videos and worksheet to help you reflect on the course principles and implement them into your life and relationships.
Who is LET GO & THRIVE for?
Single, married, divorced, or widowed women who want to let go of the past and find personal freedom with themselves and in romantic relationships.

Get the curriculum & workbook now for only $49
I can't wait to see everything God is going to do to help you become the best YOU ever!

See what previous clients have to say:
"I now have the confidence to wait on God's best!"
"Christy is anointed by God and sees things others don't. She helped me dig up roots I didn’t know existed. In the past I fell for potential, but as a result of coaching with Christy, my dating eyes are wide open. I will no longer settle for a counterfeit!" STEFANNIE
"Happily married!"
"Christy’s coaching provided me with the tools to overcome hang-ups and set-backs that have been a constant struggle. I still have to execute them myself, but I now have a path to follow that I know is God-breathed." ASHLEY
"Forever Grateful..."
"Your coaching was a huge inspiration and offered me the encouragement and accountability that I so badly needed! I will forever be grateful that God placed you in my life." HALSTON
"My marriage is strong today!" Thank you for coaching me through the hardest season of my married life."
"Christy heard the ugly truth, but pointed me to biblical counsel with love and compassion. She encouraged me to run closer to God instead of sprinting to divorce. I still use her tools, and mentally replay scriptures to help steer me away from stinking thinking. KARY
"Christy has a gift to speak life, reason and hope into the most chaotic hearts...."
"After two failed marriages and countless tragic relationships my close friend demanded I read Love Junkies. So a hung over and heartbroken me climbed in the bathtub with her book- desperate for some relief. By the time I reached page 13 I was crying my face off and had texted all my girlfriends highlighted chunks of the pages and shot an email to Christy letting her know she had a believer in me." SAMANTHA

"If you carry the bricks from your past into your future, you'll end up building the same house."
Let's do this together. Brick by brick, we'll lay a new foundation for a brand new you!

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