Emotional abuse leaves invisible scars that can leave you feeling trapped and worthless. If you’re tired of the toxic cycle of control, deceit, betrayal and manipulation, I want to help you restore your dignity and self-worth. That's why I wrote
What the Bible Says About Emotional Abuse
. When you understand what the Bible says about emotional abuse you can embark on a freedom journey toward joy, wholeness and empowerment.

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10 Ways to Know if Others are Taking Advantage of You

tolerance 3

Do others take advantage of you? It may sound harsh, but it may be your own fault. I know that may be a tough pill to swallow, but once when you accept the responsibility to take care of yourself, it will set you free. In my past, when I recognized that often I was to blame for allowing […]

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Families…Blended, Shaken or Stirred?

Last Friday, my ex-husband and his brother were severely injured in a car wreck. Many of you know that we had a very chaotic dysfunctional marriage. We were two wounded people who wounded each other. For years after our divorce, I loathed him. I honestly didn’t care if he lived or died. There were days […]

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Is Faith Fact or Fiction?


It doesn’t matter where you turn. Magazines, billboards and commercials boast the latest and greatest must-haves. There are always new styles, new cars, smart devices and electronic gadgets that can make you feel like if you don’t own them you don’t measure up. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to fall for the lie that you’re […]

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Shine Like Stars

shine like stars in the universe

In a world consumed with tabloids and fame, social media has enlarged our capacity for comparison. As Christian women, how can we deal with the constant pressure to measure up? How can we be relevant to our culture and still be the light God created us to be? Tabloids tout the shining stars of Hollywood, […]

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How to Protect Your Spiritual Vision


I used to think imagination was a bad thing—that it was wrong to dream. That only “dreamers” dreamed. Dreamers were people who hoped for things that were on the edge of reality. Things that could never possibly come true. I’d heard one too many times as a small girl, “You have a great imagination!” It […]

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How Coaching with Christy Johnson Can Help You

many roads

My name is Christy also. I am single and in my late twenties. I have been in the “dating game” for about ten years now. As you can imagine, after so long, with a list of failed relationships a mile long, you begin to wonder, what am I doing wrong? How do I keep ending […]

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